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I continue a cycle of videoclips which has begun in March, 2012. The fifth videoclip is devoted to the combined diseases: the stood pregnancy, chronic endometritis and salpingo-oophoritis, paraovarian cysts. The purpose: to save the woman from useless operations and hormones. This the first videoclip from section «Combined illnesses». Complaints of the women connected with barreness, specify that cases of the combined disease have become frequent. Not last role in it play both the untimely reference to the doctor, and statement of the wrong diagnosis with corresponding treatment and multifactorial use of hormones and antibiotics. As an example I will result without abridgment diagnostics of woman А., then my comment on treatment. On January, 28th, 2013 asks A.: Ultrasonic from 22.01.13, a uterus - the form usual. The M-echo 4,4, structure it is not changed. Right ovary - length 51, a thickness 35, structure non-uniform for account 2 chamber anechogenic formation in the size of 39*28 mm as there are follicles of 5 mm. Left ovary - length 21, a thickness 11 with follicles of 3 mm, serious. The free liquid is not defined. The conclusion: cyst of right ovary. Before cyst formation results of ultrasonic: a uterus length 52, frontback 37, width 58. Myometrium: the structure is not changed. Endometrium: 6 mm mismatch a m. c. phase, on periphery of gipoechogenic circle. In endometrium structure are individual small giperechogenic inclusions. A neck: the structure is not changed. In endocervix are individual cysts 6 mm and are less, and as small giperechogenic inclusions. Right ovary: length 30, width 16, a thickness 15 mm, structure homogeneous, echogenibility average. Near to ovary echonegative formation of 9 mm. Left ovary length 31, width 21, a thickness 19 mm, structure homogeneous, echogenibility average, the visualised yellow body of 18 mm. On ovary periphery are small giperechogenic inclusions. The free liquid is defined in a small amount. The conclusion: Ultrasonic signs endometrium hypoplasia (chronic endometritis, chronic salpingo-oophoritis, paraovarian cysts). From inflammation signs constant pains in the bottom of a stomach, especially during sexual intercourse, allocation, plentiful leucorrhea, sometimes an itch. If does not itch, is more leucorrhea so much what to have to change 2-3 daily linings in day. Shooting pains and heavy feeling from the party of ovaries. Hormones prolactin 2200 (norm to 600) МRТ has shown nothing, cortisone 977,9 (norm to 600), dihydrotestosterone 1299 (norm for women to 300), aldosterone 531 (norm to 300) – Such analyses of hormones after reception of hormonal tablets to Diana-35 (during reception very was ill the breast - a consequence prolactin raised and stagnation of a liquid). And so 5 years last and the inflammation does not pass. From antibiotics accepted almost all: ceftriaxon, cefazolin, unidox, solutab, zoflox, clion, gentamycin, metrodidazol, diclofenac, augmentin, tinidazol, vilprafen, and bacteriophages (staphylococcus bacteriophage) for destruction of any stick. As on genetic analyses it is raised FGB - fibrinogen-1, inhibitor of the plasminogen activator 5G/4G (heterozygote) - 1, the relative sum on system genes of fibrinolysis – 1, total - genetic predisposition to the complicated current of pregnancy - 3,25 (average from 2-3,9). Leukocytes from a neck always - 38. All problems have begun after the stood pregnancy. What to do, prompt, what analyses still to hand over and how to cure an inflammation, even remissions do not happen, every month all begins anew. Constantly on antibiotics and how to hand over PCR dab, if I am constantly treated and put tampons with dimexid and antibiotics. How still it is possible to check up infections specific and not specific? Also what to do further, very much I want children? My comment: Let's pay attention to that all problems of this woman have begun with the stood pregnancy. Multipolar illnesses are not born on an empty place. That fact, that pregnancy has not achieved the object, says that at an organism of the woman already there was an infection. Its destroying action has put to the untimely termination of pregnancy. At processing of consequences of the stood pregnancy the infection has received more a wide circulation on a small pelvis. From here additional "gifts" from earlier not considered disease: endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, passed in the chronic form, paraovarian cysts. Pay attention, what hormones and antibiotics used А. for the recommended treatment: to Diana-35; ceftriaxon, cefazolin, unidox, solutab, zoflox, clion, gentamycin, metrodidazol, diclofenac, augmentin, tinidazol, vilprafen, and bacteriophages (staphylococcus bacteriophage). I leave this recommended treatment on conscience of its gynecologist. I am scientific, developing both making new preparations and often giving advice to scientists-physicians of a different rank, it is better than others I know, in what can result such cocktail of antibiotics in an organism. First, the bacterial microflora of a small pelvis is broken. Secondly, immunity falls below a plinth that leads to that to this organism any illnesses and furthermore to a small pelvis cling in general. Thirdly, kidneys suffer, a liver, the thyroid gland, gynecology, blood vessels, the nervous terminations, heart, repeatedly increases probability of an allergy. Fourthly, illness remains in blood and lymph, continuing to extend on other bodies of a small pelvis taking into account low immunity. What in such cases scientists-gynecologists of all countries of the world will recommend to this woman? To spend a laparoscopy of Fallopian tubes, to remove cysts on ovaries or partially to remove ovaries, having left minimum at least 0,5 one ovary and further EF (extracorporal fertilisation) to spend. To the woman never will tell, that it will be for the rest of the life necessary for it to apply hormonal preparations which the organism of the woman is unable already make itself. In case the woman will refuse these hormones it is threatened with one more incurable illness, too not less terrible, VVD – a vegeto-vascular dystonia. The woman becomes the invalid how she it learns. The woman looking this videoclip, will exclaim: «What they swine these scientists-gynecologists!» In advance should disappoint this looking woman, these scientists cannot on another, them to it did not learn at institutes, they did not defend the dissertation on such situations, they do not know, how with it to struggle. Therefore for them the best decision: operation, removal. They do not possess an effective method of therapy. What new method of therapy I can offer? Using my preparation, the woman can recover completely from all illnesses listed at it for 4 days. Thus pregnancy will come in 3 weeks. Often women ask: «As there can come pregnancy in 3 weeks if cysts physically cannot resolve for such short time?» The preparation problem in the shortest term to deduce an infection from blood and a lymph. Cysts really not can so quickly to resolve. But after the infection in an organism already is not present, cyst cannot negatively affect pregnancy, inflow of the infected cells to cyst is already blocked by a preparation. Those women, which steels pregnant women also have given birth to children, had cyst or ovaric polycystisis. It has not prevented them to become pregnant women in 3 weeks. After sorts at the woman does not remain neither cyst, nor endometritis and salpingo-oophoritis. Now let's compare: 5 years traditional treatment and any prospects on pregnancy and treatment; and 4 days of treatment, pregnancy in 3 weeks, absence of bombardment of an organism antibiotics and hormones, Preservations of health for all internal bodies, including small pelvis, refusal of hyperstimulation of ovaries on method EF (extracorporal fertilisation). It is more than that, the woman always can give birth further itself to children without «help» of scientists-gynecologists. I hope, that I can to answer any woman interested in such preparation. On conditions of its application and payment look a video clip in Russian with English subtitles. www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDH1R6eemuw Treatment of other female illnesses look on my site http://lnjz.at.ua. It is called «Treatment of incurable female diseases». Mine e-mail: alnik2002@yandex.ru
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Maks (13.03.12) E
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