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This second article from a cycle of articles «Combined illnesses». We will consider diagnostics of disease of woman Е. and transformation of its illnesses in an organism throughout 8 years. My comment will more low follow. On February, 05th, 2010. Asks Е.: Hello, help to understand, please, with my problem. To me of 26 years, I did not give birth. From 18 years I go to gynecologists, me long treat and put different diagnoses, and the result is not present. At me were and there are complaints to secretions (I cannot do without daily linings) and strong pains in the bottom of a stomach before monthly, besides I try to be observed periodically not to start disease if they are. My gynecologist at whom I was observed last 2.5 years has initially diagnosed adenomyosis, I have passed anti-inflammatory, anti-virus therapy and hormonal therapy - a saw orgametril. After all it at me again took many analyses (dabs, cytology, histology) - and the doctor has told, that at me hyperplasia of endometrium and it is necessary to make urgently diagnostic abrasion. On morphological research the diagnosis is made: "in both fractions of abrasion mucous membrane sites C/C, a endometrium fabric - mixed, with prevalence secreting type, the form ferruterous hyperplasia with cystoid transformation of individual glands". The doctor has told, that it very quickly can lead to a cancer, and also to become the barreness reason, therefore it is necessary to treat very urgently, and has given the list of preparations – buserin, depot-probelief, zalodex. I should choose one from this all and in the first day monthly to come, that it is obligatory it to me has made the first prick. I have read about these preparations, and to me it became terrible, as they very strong and at many are complications after reception. Besides everywhere write that it is necessary to know the reason of this process. I have asked the doctor about the reason hyperplasia of endometrium. To me have answered, that nobody knows the reasons. After I has asked to postpone treatment and has consulted at other doctor. He has familiarised with the diagnosis, has looked me and has told categorically is not present to hormones, it is necessary to treat an inflammation as it causes such behaviour of cells. However, has noted presence small cystoid formation in the right part. He has told, that really there is a background for a cancer and barreness (and has noted if there will be problems with pregnancy - we will apply hormones). I have got confused and I do not know what to do, I wish to recover, and it turns out, that than I am more treated especially serious diagnoses (by the way a pains and secretions as were indeed). Very much I ask, help to understand - I do not want a cancer and very much I want children but how not to do much harm? How it is necessary to be treated? Whether it is necessary to seem still endocrinologer? Thanks. My comment: Let's try untwist all chain of diseases from the beginning and up to the end. Initially the problem has begun with strong secretions and pains in the bottom of a stomach. For such kind of the infections getting in an organism, that they can be found out only in the first 2 weeks is characteristic, then the infection masks in blood and a lymph and diagnostics does not give in. But that the most sad, in the first 2 weeks the woman practically feels nothing the bad. Do not forget: suitability of microorganisms in hundreds and thousand times faster, than at the person. All level of development of biosystem on the Earth specifies in it. Microorganisms have outridden intelligence of the person on 1000 years forward, at them enormous preference before us. They practised to the suitability billions years, and the person at the best has experience in 100 thousand years. Incommensurable preference. The medical science has chosen a wrong vector of attack to female diseases. Practically at any female disease hormonal balance in gynecology is broken. Scientists consider, that the best exit from this situation is restoration of hormonal balance by means of hormonal preparations. It is a strategic error at treatment of female diseases. Hormonal infringement is only an illness consequence, instead of the reason. Doctors under recommendations of scientists start to carry out hormonal intervention in an organism. But the hormonal balance in an organism is supported by several hormone producing glands (a hypophysis, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, gynecology). Scientists plainly do not know how to treat these glands separately, an example to that various good-quality and malignant tumours. And here it is necessary to predict, as will lead itself a complex of these hormone producing glands on reaction of this or that hormonal preparation. Here pertinently to apply the military term: from a gun on sparrows. The probability of that a hormonal preparation will help, is equal to probability of that the monkey on a typewriter will print the novel "War and peace". And here that each of these hormone producing glands will suffer is to the fortuneteller do not go. Why? Any chemical substance is perceived by an organism as alien substance which "normo-control" at internal guards of an organism at level of DNA and RNA does not pass. And scientists try to force to work the synthesised chemical substances how natural hormones work. But for this purpose it is necessary to change only the program of DNA and RNA. The next 100-200 years it can be carried out, but not now. So, we have defined, that hormonal preparations not only will not help at treatment of female diseases, but also will grease a picture of a true condition of an organism. The doctor will jump aside from one preparation to another, hoping, that the next preparation precisely will appear panacea. But the aetiology has thoroughly sat down at a small pelvis. Strong secretions and a pains still remained. The following stage of disease – adenomyosis. This illness is characterised by that it already influences a cell, starts the mechanism of destruction of the internal control over pathological cells. As a result of a cells start to conduct abnormal genesis (formation and development). On the one hand, DNA and RNA do not accept artificial hormones, and on the other hand, they serve as catalysts for negative action of free radicals, which also strangers are in an organism. Not last role in an origin of this illness the use of hormonal preparations (complex negative influence on all hormone producing glands) has played. Hormonal preparations and antibiotics of a wide profile do not give result. Strong secretions and pains still remained. The following stage of disease – hyperplasia of endometrium and cyst. The mechanism of reorganisation of a cell is started on all capacity. New growths start to be formed in any point of a small pelvis. Uterus abrasions will give nothing, since the reason remains. The probability of formation of new formations is very high. Cyst removal in 9-12 months will lead to formation new cyst, the cause of illness remained in an organism. Strong secretions and pains too remained. The price of such treatment for an organism – a catastrophic minus. Not only remained strong secretions and pains, barreness, but also the organism has taken up a lethal dose of hormonal preparations and antibiotics, having started the mechanism of reorganisation of a cell on abnormal genesis. So, we have tracked formation of the combined illnesses from strong secretions and pains through adenomyosis to hyperplasia of endometrium and cyst throughout 8 years. In all cases scientists and doctors try to solve a consequence, instead of the reason. What way would be chosen by me on a place of the scientist depending on a disease stage? First of all, if contact to illnesses has occurred at the first stage – strong pains and secretions using my preparation, the woman would cure an infection in an organism (cause of illness) for 2 days, in 3 weeks it would become the pregnant woman (naturally at direct participation of the beloved). At contact to illness at the second stage – adenomyosis, my preparation would allow the woman to cure an initial infection for 4 days and has closed access to the mechanism of destruction of cells, in 3 weeks it would become the pregnant woman. At contact to illness at last stage – hyperplasia of endometrium and cyst, my preparation would allow the woman to cure an initial infection for 4 days, has neutralised cyst (itself cyst some months can resolve depending on the sizes but negatively influence pregnancy it cannot), has stopped abnormal genesis of cells (there is no feed for anomaly). In 3 weeks it would become the pregnant woman. As a result we have following indicators: • At traditional treatment within 8 years illness not only remains, but also is aggravated, the probability of development of a cancer is high, the woman is fruitless; • At action of a new preparation treatment for 2-4 days depending on a disease stage, pregnancy in 3 weeks, full treatment and further independent pregnancy at will. I hope, that I can to answer any woman interested in such preparation. On conditions of its application and payment look a video clip in Russian with English subtitles: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDH1R6eemuw. Treatment of other female illnesses look on my site http://lnjz.at.ua. It is called «Treatment of incurable female diseases». Mine e-mail: alnik2002@yandex.ru
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Maks (13.03.13) E
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