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Why ovary cyst, adnexitis, amenorrhea, I have united barreness in consideration under one name of article?

Very often hormonal infringements at the woman begin with insignificant trifles from their point of view: have at the wrong time begun monthly, for example, for a week, for 2 weeks; there were nagging pains in the field of a pelvis, or in the bottom part of a back, or in the bottom of a stomach. Only the woman theoretically familiar with female diseases, will sound the alarm or the woman having relatives in the field of gynecology. In overwhelming majority of the woman are catastrophically illiterate in respect of female diseases.

Missing treatment time at an initial stage of disease, the woman dooms the organism to wearisome struggle against more serious diseases, as ovary cyst and barreness.

In a human body all is interconnected and not always analyses can give a picture of pathological changes in an organism. Blood and urine analyses can give a picture of an inflammation or an urological infection. But analyses will not give you the answer why it was formed ovary cyst, why the woman under all analyses healthy, nevertheless, cannot become pregnant 10-15 years, being married.

Here let's and try glance in common in this uneasy problem which decision cannot give any academician of the medicine, any specialized medical scientific institute, any state in the world, as though they inside out were not turned out, striking themselves in a breast, what they ardent fighters for female health. You only ponder, the woman throughout tens years becomes "milk cow" in the financial plan for all these pharmaceutical firms. Only here what ill luck: sooner or later at each representative of these pharmaceutical firms the wife, the daughter, the grand daughter, mother, the niece, the bride will be ill. They will not treat the preparations them because know, that is useless.

The organism of the woman, having received small hormonal frustration in the form of serious delays of monthly or various localisations of pains on pelvis perimeter, signals it about necessity of decision-making. What does it mean? The infection has got to an organism which has very well learnt itself to hide from diagnostics (you for certain time and again read popular scientific books about high microorganisms suitability to changing conditions of environment). During the further development of pathological process one form of disease is by transformed by the natural to more refined form with consequences where as worse. As a result having begun a way of illness with amenorrhea or adnexitis, she declares herself as cyst and barreness. It is impossible to assert, that transformation from simple illness to more difficult has only such way - it is cardinally wrong. Here one of ways of such transformation of illness is shown.

Now we will try to understand those women who appeal about the help and to which not to help with a condition the orthodox medicine. Fragments of letters without surnames and addresses of those women which have the diseases low presented.

1. «The close relative is sick by ovaries polycystosis. To it 23 years. There are frequent bleedings, cannot become pregnant. Whether it is possible to recover without operation?»

2. «To me 22 years, two years on a doctor's advice accepted contraceptive tablets. From 16 years I suffer infringement of menstrual cycle: menstruation there can be within two months, then a pause for week and again 2 months. Abortion never did. I can not become pregnant, and we with the husband so would like the child».

3. «In 2007 in me have found out ovary cyst. Recipes did not help, cyst continues to grow. Has on receipt refused operation. To me 63 years. I ask to share experience of those who managed to recover without operation, and those who has transferred a laparoscopy».

4. «Daughters of 38 years, the diagnosis: ovaries polycystosis. Cannot become pregnant. Has tried grasses, tablets, syringing – helps nothing. What to undertake?»

5. «Whether it is possible to get rid from ovary cyst without operation?»

6. «How to cope ovary cyst without operation?»

7. «Who without operation managed to get rid from ovary cyst?»

8. «How to get rid from ovary cyst?»

9. «To me 22 years, from 15 years am observed at the gynecologist. From 13 years disturbs ovaries polycystosis, treated vitamins, hormones, and as a result for a year I have typed 25 kg. Have diagnosed: a diffusion-toxic goiter. Just during this period I have become pregnant, on term of 5 weeks there was an abortion. There was an allergy. Has stopped to drink everything, has hardly cured an allergy. But all was started over again: again bleedings, again to lay down on abrasion (and so each 9-12 months). How to be pulled out from this vicious circle? So it would be desirable to be healthy, to give birth to children, to live and rejoice lives!»

10. «I suffer by ovaries polycystosis. Because of it hair on the face (moustaches, a beard) began to grow. Endocrinologists and gynecologists offer only hormonal preparations and operation. Whether there are treatment means?

11. «Daughters 23 years, one year ago as a result of stress or over fatigue at it have stopped menstruations. Within three months it was treated by a preparation Femoston 2/10, during treatment menstruation has renewed, but with the drug intake termination has disappeared again. Than it is possible to help?»

12. «To me of 27 years, ultrasonic has found out adhesions, suspicion on ovaries sclerocystosis. Offer operation. Help to recover, after all so it would be desirable to give birth to the child!»

13. «Who faced an ovaries inflammation. The diagnosis: adnexitis, the chronic, got barreness. It is necessary to me to catch a cold – at once I get to hospital. Advise treatment methods».

14. «I suffer a bilateral ovaries inflammation, the milk woman (candidiasis). Medicamentous treatment does not help, physiotherapy too. To me of 25 years. How to arrive?»

I could continue this stream of letters infinitely. By data the WHO in the world only the registered women, suffering barreness more than 500 million persons. On various Russian sources the quantity of fruitless women in Russia fluctuates from 2,5 to 12 million persons. Already this mad disorder shows our affairs with statistics in this question. For Russia, the country which is total requires inflow of manpower resources, this quantity of kiddies annually will give in addition 10 million persons. Any technology in the world is not capable to carry out this plan except that which is presented more low.

Now the most important thing. How all the same to do without operation (which gives relapses and adhesions) and hormones (which pull down hormonal system), to recover and become the woman of the pregnant woman?

There is a preparation which was produced and lead up to mind within 18-19 years. Problems of the women have been considered, doing not wish to do operations and to accept hormones. The woman wishes not only to become the pregnant woman, but also to be healthy that the forces to spend not for treatment of the sores, and on the child.

What it from itself represents?

It is the complex antibiotic possessing unique properties:

1. Activity of a preparation does not fall within 15-20 years (any preparation in the world does not possess such property).

2. Pyrogenicity and toxicity of a preparation in 8 times more low, than at any preparation which has been already let out on the market. It means, that all modern preparations should be improved in 8 times to leave on quality of influence on level of our preparation.

3. The preparation for women can be entered syringing – unique ability of treatment of incurable female diseases without operations.

Whether there are negative influences? The preparation will neutralize an infection in blood and a lymph, then through kidneys deduces the fulfilled infection from an organism. Glomerulonephritis, sharp pyelonephritis and a nephrite are a barrier for this preparation. Chronic pyelonephritis and a nephrite are subject to discussion. For the women who are ill not one year, sharp reorganization of an organism from an illness stage in a stage health that can lead to dryness of a vagina or a lock is possible. These problems dare within 1-2 days without antibiotics.

I hope, that to a smog to answer any woman interested in such preparation. On conditions of its application and payment look a video clip in Russian http://youtu.be/pDH1R6eemuw. The video clip description is in English presented in a file preparation-eng.doc.

Источник: http://from the author
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Maks (12.09.23) | Автор: Макс-помощник Александра Николаевич E W
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