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How to cure CYST, EROSION, BARRENESS for 3 weeks
What will to do the woman when throughout 1-3 years cannot become pregnant start, and the husband gets it every day? It will carry out diagnostics of the organism, will define the reason of barreness and with a head will plunge either in hormone therapy, or in EF (extracorporal fertilisation). What gives hormone therapy? Infinite treatment for the overwhelming majority of women from 5 till 18 years. For this time the husband on 95 % can leave 10 times from it. If the Fortune smiles to it, and she will become pregnant, it is expected by unpleasant consequences: 1. The probability is high, that the boy will be born with defect of a genital; 2. The woman will get a problem with thyroid gland and hormonal frustration on for the rest of the life; 3. It will grow stout and will receive hairiness on the face and a breast. What gives EF (extracorporal fertilisation)? The introduction is spent from 6 months (1 time) till 3 years (6 times) and payment is the corresponding quantity of times. What expects it and the child? Hyperstimulation of women’s ovaric destroys its hormonal system. Foreign researchers mark at children born by method EF, mental infringements: an autism, intellectual backwardness, behaviour infringement. Often happens multyfetus pregnancy. Pediatrists know, that such children, as a rule, 9 from 10 premature and demand the big expenses for their survival. Through 5-6 generations it can lead to full degradation of mankind. The genetics always revenges for it. And what to do to believing people, 85-90 % from which do not wish to deal to EF as it contradicts an acceptable craft from their point of view? At EF the woman drops out of a cycle of work day, the state loses money three times: on placing of the woman in a hospital, on its deenergizing from work and on finishing of the child in the first months or years of his life before normal functioning. Where an exit from this deadlock? How to cure cyst, erosion, female barreness for 3 weeks? Fruitless the woman can become as a result of many factors, I will list the most harmful: · Ovaric polycystisis; · Endometriosis; · Candidiasis (milkwoman); · Long-term clamidiosis; · Colpitis; · Craurosis of genitals and a vulva; · Endometrial hyperplasia; · Presence of infection in blood; · Adnexitis; · Not born pregnancy; · Erosion of a neck of a uterus; · Uterus polyp. Problem of modern medicine that she is not able to diagnose the diseases set forth above in blood so correctly to spend therapy. An order of 10 million women in the world (2 % from total of fruitless women of 500 million) are ready to lay out any sum to have consanguineous children. An order of 100 million women in the world (20 %) are ready to pay from 3 to 6 thousand Euro for this service. 170 million women in the world, sick of an endometriosis, cannot recover and have children. The offered preparation has no analogues in the world. In what an essence of action of a preparation? It destroys an infection in blood which is a barreness source. The mechanism is ordinary: at an infection in blood the organism is compelled to mobilise all internal reserves for struggle, and for pregnancy the enormous reserves are necessary, but them any more does not remain. As a result while there is an infection in blood – the woman is fruitless. The preparation destroys an infection for 2 days of reception, still + 3 days that the preparation left an organism. In these 5 days it is impossible to be engaged in sex. Infections already are not present, and the organism by inertia allocates 1 week internal reserves. On this biopower splash the woman (she wants that or not) becomes pregnant. In 3 weeks the woman finds out pregnancy in the presence of sex after 5 days of treatment. Financial and time indicators: · hormone therapy – treatment in 200 times longer with very low factor of treatment and destruction of hormonal system, defects of a genital at the boy take place, cost – at 15-30 times is more expensive; · EF - treatment at 8-24 times longer with hyperstimulation of women’s ovaric with physical and mental defects of the child, treatment cost at 5-20 times is more expensive, treatment in a hospital, illness remains; · Our preparation – treatment from 5 till 7 days, pregnancy in 3 weeks, is not present by-effects, children are born free of defects, treatment cost at 5-30 times is cheaper, treatment in house conditions (it is possible in a hospital within 5-7 days), illness completely recovers. The preparation was checked within a year on animals in 1993. Toxicity and pyrogenicity of a preparation in 8 times more low, than at any preparation sold now in drugstores. It means, that quality of sold preparations in drugstores needs to be improved in 8 times to leave on level of our preparation. 15 probows (women who not be helped by modern medicine) with Russia, the CIS and Europe already have 16 children (only in one case twins were observed). Confirming documents are not present. All analyses and tests were spent at the expense of the author. Cost of one course of treatment for all kinds of female illnesses and female barreness is equal 3000 Euros, for an endometriosis 6000 Euros. The price is valid within 1 year from the moment of an exit of it video. Any country of the world will not give OK to serial release of this preparation for two reasons: 1. The annual turn of hormone therapy and EF exceeds 1 trillion Euro; 2. It is too much bribe takers among officials (addressed to Medvedev twice, on time in Ministry of Russia Health and Moscow Health). The request that who trusts in this preparation, who cannot become pregnant owing to illnesses or a weak organism, who has no big money for EF, who has critical age, who urgently wishes to become pregnant, who wishes to recover from female illness to address on e-mail: alnik2002@yandex.ru There is a probability of opening of specialised clinics in any civilised country. Offers will be considered. Источник: http://from the author | |
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