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Initially the site was planned only for the women, wishing to get rid of barreness and incurable female diseases. But frequency of references of the women who are in a stage of a climax and their calls for help at constant pains, has forced me to pay attention and to this problem.

Each woman passes through this stage. Many of them fear in advance the period which can cause weight of problems in 25-50 %. As all period of a climax can be stretched till 10-12 years to be in a condition of constant stress for many women is rather problematic.

On my deep belief, the woman has the more problems at a climax, than more it was treated by hormonal preparations, modern tablets for growing thin, carried out abortion or abortions, to it did operation or operations, including a laparoscopy. All listed factors, on the one hand, break a natural hormonal background behind which the control at subconscious level of the organism is conducted. In a human body all is interconnected, intervention in this control conducts disbalance of all hormonal and endocrine systems. The gynecology, a pancreas, a thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypophysis are involved in infringements of these systems. It is not surprising, that at approach of a climax at the woman with such factors problems with a pancreas or a thyroid gland begin, plentiful bleedings lead to an anemia, osteoporosis process (loss of calcium by organism cells) with its fragility of bones is accelerated.

On the other hand, any operative intervention (operations, abortions) has high percent of entering of an infection through air, tools, by an infection transfer on nearby bodies. It is good, if the woman has had time to give birth, it is not threatened any more with barreness. But it will respond to it at a climax stage.

Than our preparation for such women can help?

The main objective for achievement consists in recovering the woman natural health, i.e. to remove from its organism that infection which with it lives already tens years. Process in improvement development looks very non-standard: to the woman comes back habitual for it menstrual cycle strictly on days. This period can proceed at it from 1 till 5 years. There pass all pains and unpleasant sensations. After this time the woman smoothly passes in a climax stage, but already in the natural soft natural form without pains and unpleasant sensations.

The woman, passed such way, anew blossoms in every respect, it has a second breath, as at the runner on distant distances. It flits, as the butterfly from good mood and absence of pains. Unless it not the happiness to be the healthy woman and to be valid to help children and grandsons.

Источник: http://from the author
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Maks (12.09.23) | Автор: Макс-помощник Александра Николаевич E W
Просмотров: 932 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: CLIMAX PROBLEMS | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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